A New Web3 Model
That Bring ZeroSocial
Interaction & Social
3.0 Landscape

A Platform That Aims To Decentralize The Social Media Landscape, Granting Users Greater Control Over Their Data And Privacy That Prioritizes Transparency, Security, And User Rewards. Using CTP Model (Connect2Earn), Which Reward Interaction As They Build Connection Utilizing Blockchain Technology


How Social3 & ZeroSocial works

Social 3.0 is a vision for the next generation of social media, one that is built on blockchain technology and prioritizes user ownership, control, and privacy.

ZeroSocial is a set of tools and protocols that enable decentralized social media applications to communicate with each other across different blockchains. It has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with each other online.

How ConnectX

Implement Social 3.0

  • We will Allow users to own their own data and content
  • We will make ConnectX Decentralize platform
  • Prioritize user privacy. 
  • Transparency

Implement ZeroSocial

  • Follow and interact with each other
  • Share content across blockchains.
  • Login existing social media across platforms & blockchains.


What is ConnectX

ConnectX is a SociaFi blockchain project with the objective of establishing a novel social media platform that bring ZeroSocial interaction and Social 3.0 landscape that prioritizes transparency, security, and user rewards. 

We use CTP Model(Connect2Earn), where user interaction will be rewarded as they build connection Utilizing blockchain technology, ConnectX aims to decentralize the social media landscape, granting users greater control over their data and privacy.


When Centralized Plateforms Control Flow of Information

  • Lack of transparency
  • Security concerns
  • Limited user control
  • Lack of user rewards


ConnectX provide: With a decentralized Social Platform

  • Ultimate Transparency
  • Security Using state-of-art encryption
  • Complete User control
  • Access to unique social protocols
  • Guarantee User rewards

Use Case

ConnectX will offer a variety of features

That make it a unique and valuable platform for users:

Secure & transparent transactions

ConnectX will leverages blockchain technology to ensure the security and transparency of all transactions.

User engagement rewards

ConnectX plans to incentive user participation on the platform through various mechanisms such as tipping, airdrops, & staking.

Decentralized Governance

ConnectX's governance model will places decision-making power in the hands of our users,ensuring greater accountability.

Privacy-preserving features

ConnectX will provide users with tools to preserve their privacy, enabling them to control data access and usage.

Our Platform Key Features

In addition to the core features listed above

ConnectX will also offer a variety of other features to make it a more engaging and user-friendly platform. These features include:

Content creation & sharing:

Create & share variety's of content formats, text, images, videos, & audio. Users can also create & join groups to connect with others who share their interests.

Social networking:

Connect with friends, family, & other users on the platform & network across differnet social platform in a way user can share their feeds.

Gaming & entertainment:

Variety's of gaming and entertainment. This includes both casual & competitive games, as well as a variety of music, movies, and TV shows.

Educational resources:

Variety's of educational resources. This includes articles, videos, and other forms of content that help users learn about new topics & develop their skills.


BAP Access Program
(Be A Pioneer)

Pioneers are brave and innovative, and they are willing to take risks in order to make progress. They are also often visionaries, able to see the potential of new things before others do.

You can register to be an early pioneer of connectX, be one of the first people to use and adopt connectX platform. help us to shape the future of social.

Benefits of being a pioneer for ConnectX Social3:

  • Early Access to the innovative connectx social media platform
  • Have a say in the future of connectx social media
  • Help to build a more decentralized and user-friendly social media platform
  • Earn exclusive rewards for being a pioneer, such as early access to new features, games, free tokens, or other perks


Connect2Earn (C2E)

Connect2Earn is a new a model where users are rewarded for interacting with each other and with the connectx platform. User will earn reward through variety of ways, such as:

  • Liking and commenting on other users’ posts
  • Creating and sharing content
  • Inviting new users to the platform
  • Stream Live & gaming session
  • Completing surveys & Watching ads

ConnectX Roadmap

ConnectX is currently in the early stages of development.
The following is a high-level overview of the roadmap

Security Model

  • End-to-end encryption
  • Decentralized Storage
  • Multi-Signature Wallets
  • Decentralized Storage
  • End-to-end encryption

Addition Security Education

  • Educate Users how the platform works
  • Establishing Security Team
  • Educate Users how the platform works


ConnectX is a promising Web3 SocialFi project with the potential to revolutionize the social media landscape. By prioritizing transparency, security, and user rewards

We are creating a platform that empowers users and gives them greater control over their data and privacy.

The team has a clear roadmap for the platform's launch and growth, and we are committed to building a sustainable and thriving community

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